Tag Archives: PInterest

Pinterest Fail: Miniature Caramel Apples

20 Oct

Apples11Pinterest is a trap. It lures in un-crafty people with pictures of miniature whoopie pies and then crushes their hopes when they come out looking like cat turds.

Sorry for the graphic imagery but Pinterest got me again. My company held a fall themed cook-off. Two of the judging categories were appearance and fall-ness so obviously I thought Pinterest’s plethora of sickeningly cutesy foods would deliver me a winning dish.

I settled for mini caramel apples. I trekked to my local ACME, purchased 6 apples, a bag of Popsicle sticks, caramel sauce, and sprinkles. Then proceed to spend the next two hours cursing Pinterest and eating lukewarm caramel sauce. Here’s my Pinterest failure.

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